Dr. Aparna has engaged in "Science Serial Programme" broadcasted by AIR, Guwahati for popularising science among school children. She has written two episodes on "Seuji Dharani Dhuniya" produced by ASTEC (2007 & 2008). Another episode of "Biodiversity of India" (Indigenous, Endemic, Introduced and Invasive species) written by Dr. Aparna and broadcasted by Bigyan Prasar's Radio Programme in 2010.
Additionaly, she has translated three episodes from Hindi to Assamese for the serial "Pritivi Amar Prithivi" produced by Vigyan Prasar, New Delhi and Commissioned by Assam Science Society (2008, 2009) and has written three episodes on "Sustainable Development" as requested by Director, ASTEC< vide letter No ASTEC/ENV/1812/2017/1549, dated 16/10/2017, broadcasted by AIR in 2018.
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